Sheila Akeman

Robin Blake

Medicare Options for MO specializes in helping you understand when and how to enroll in Medicare. We will answer your questions and clarify the insurance options you have. We will help you avoid common misconceptions and late enrollment penalties. Our clients are located all across Missouri, giving us a great feel for the insurance landscape. Talk with us today in a no-cost, no-obligation, no-pressure consultation!

Our Mission

Our Mission is to help as many people as possible, with their healthcare coverage needs, which matches their personal financial needs and benefits coverage. Always going above and beyond, by providing personal care and all year-long availability for assistance.

Two Office Locations

By Appointment Only


Aurora Office

802 W. South St
Suite C
Aurora, MO 65605

 (417) 597-9693


Mt. Vernon Office

Hometown Pharmacy
606 E. Mt. Vernon Blvd
Mt. Vernon, MO 65712

 (417) 597-9693